Welcome to JohnPaul Parish!

Hi - we are a friendly Anglican Parish with two churches: St Paul’s (closer to the town centre) and St John’s (on the outskirts of Accrington). Having recently merged – and welcomed our new vicar Amanda - we are enthusiastic to see the Kingdom of God grow in both our church family and our local community

We are very much a community oriented and loving church, passionate to continue building our church family through prayer, a love for God, and a genuine desire to be involved in the community we all feel called to serve. We hold on to a real hope that with God’s help and guidance, we can be the people He wants us to be, in and around Accrington. Every person is important to, and valued by God, and as such, they are valued by and important to us

Latest News

SOS – Save Our Spire!

Please will you be kind enough to fill in our Community Survey and return it to our vicar via email to [email protected] We are applying to various grant making bodies including the Community Ownership Fund for money for some urgent work needed to our spire, roof and internal decoration – see photos. We need to show them how important this church is to our Baxenden community by getting feedback from local residents. We host a choir, yoga classes, the school for concerts, services and daily Breakfast and After School Clubs. We are used as a polling station, have been used…
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Joyful June

Dear JohnPaul Parish family Joyful June It was so glorious to have those few weeks of sun!  I dived into my wardrobe and found my summer outfits, I even put some self-tanning lotion on my legs!  And then the rain started to fall again!  Hey ho!  I enjoyed it while it lasted. My big focus in May was preparing for our bid to the Community Ownership fund – part of the government’s levelling up funds.  Sadly, this has now all gone on hold as we move towards a general election in July.  As I reflect on the election and our…
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Marvellous May

Dear JohnPaul Parish Family Aslan is on the move! My youngest arrived for a week at Easter and stayed for a month!  He was writing his final year dissertation, but he was also doing what he does best; talking about current affairs, cooking amazing food, sleeping long hours, introducing us to some amazing Netflix and Amazon prime TV series and reading the Chronicles of Narnia with me.  Not quite like when he was 10, since we were often on different books, but we shared some awesome moments; ‘Further up and further in’. I have a sense that ‘Aslan is on…
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Agenda, Minutes and Reports of the 2024 Vestry and Annual Parochial Church Meetings held on 12 May 2024 at 12 noon, together with the JohnPaul 2023 signed Accounts